MEMORIALIZE in the Grove

The National AIDS Memorial stands as a marker in the national landscape which will forever ensure that all lives lost will be remembered and the stories of heroism, compassion, activism & love in the face of prejudice, stigma, inaction and hate will always prevail.

The National AIDS Memorial has provided an opportunity for individuals to honor a life by memorializing them within the beauty of the memorial in perpetuity.  The memorial has availed itself to families & friends to express their grief but to also find healing through memorializing a lost loved one.  It is through remembrance that we find healing and hope for a better future and that our loved ones life will forever be remembered.

“Thousands of people have died in San Francisco, millions in the world. The point of the National AIDS Memorial Grove is to remember them, one at a time.”

      – Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Learn about how you can memorialize a loved one

• Circle of Friends
• Hemophilia Circle
• Artists Portal
Boulders, Benches & Crescents

A member of the National AIDS Memorial team would welcome the opportunity to meet in the Grove to answer any questions, which allows an interested donor the opportunity to view the various hardscape features, and available locations for placement. Get in touch

Consider a Legacy Gift to the Memorial to ensure the story of HIV/AIDS is forever told.