AIDS Quilt volunteers

What Are AIDS Quilt Volunteer Workshops?

When AIDS began to attack her friends, Gert “the mother of the AIDS Quilt” McMullin was heartbroken and angry. Her team began to create what is now considered the largest community arts project in history: the AIDS Memorial Quilt.

Each of these panels captures the unique lives and stories of those who died from HIV and AIDS. To make sure these memorials are maintained and these stories are remembered in perpetuity, Gert and our community comes together to repair and freshen up Quilt panels in need of it. Space is also available to create a panel for a loved one.

Volunteer at an AIDS Quilt Workshop and help us ensure these lives are never forgotten!

Bay Area volunteers

Bay Area Panel Making and Quilt Repair Workshops

Our community gathers twice a month for volunteer Panel Making and AIDS Quilt Repair Workshops. Here are their locations and times:

  1. Every 1st Saturday of the month at 543 Castro Street in San Francisco. Noon to 4pm
  2. Every 4th Saturday of the month at 130 Doolittle Drive, #2 in San Leandro. Noon to 4pm

For more information, email and

What to Expect at Quilt Workshops

No sewing experience is required! Space is open to the public to;

  1. Help in the ongoing maintenance and protection of the Quilt by preserving panels. Maintaining the sewing integrity of each panel ensures its future for generations! Examples of repairs needed include seams coming loose, replacing missing items such as lettering, etc., backing fabric for fragile panels, spot cleaning, etc.
  2. Begin to create a panel for a loved one or simply come to get some ideas of how to start. We have sewing machines and resources available to teach and help you make an AIDS Quilt Panel. If you intend to create a panel please bring with you any fabric or personal items (pins, jewelry, photos, etc.) that you want to include on your panel. We have a limited amount of fabric but you are welcome to anything we have. We will supply paints, stencils, sewing machines, threads, etc., and any help you may need.
  3. Join a supportive community if you are having trouble or feel alone after the death or deaths of a loved one(s) and you need to be around others in a safe space. We are here for you! Watch this video to learn more about AIDS Quilt panel makers.
Hydeia Broadbent AIDS Memorial Quilt

Bring the Quilt to Your Community

Each year, the National AIDS Memorial partners with community-based organizations across the country to display sections of the Quilt to raise greater awareness about HIV/AIDS impacting people today. 

Help remember those we’ve lost and raise awareness about the disproportionate impact the epidemic continues to have in communities of color and among marginalized populations. Together, we can end HIV. ​​Bring the Quilt to Your Community 

Download the flyer to learn How to Make a Panel for the AIDS Memorial Quilt

See A Panel Online. Search for Names on the Quilt

The National AIDS Memorial, through a partnership with AIDS Quilt Touch, brings all 50,000 panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt to people all around the world to experience each panel’s story, beauty, and love that represents one of the largest acts of activism and social justice. We invite you to search the Quilt, view each panel, search for a friend or loved one and share your story through our social media channels.


Email the Quilt team at

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Our work helps ensure that the 50,000 panels of the Quilt are cared for and protected so each name that is stitched into its fabric are cared for and their stories forever known to future generations.